How do we know the story of thousands of years? Some from the travel books, some from the legends, but mostly from the archaeological excavations. Archaeological excavations in the region are carried out under the leadership of museums and local and foreign scientists. Some excavations are ministry excavations, some excavations are rescue excavations. When you go to the region in the summer months, you will be a part of this story when you witness the excavations in many ruins and see how archaeologists remove thin layers of soil, find and document the artifacts.

Visit the Zeugma archaeological site in Gaziantep, which houses houses with mosaic floors and frescoed walls; witness the excavations at Doliche (Dülük) Ancient City, Karkamış and Zincirlihöyük; trace the past at Çayönü Hill in Diyarbakır, Göbeklitepe and Harran in Şanlıurfa, and Oylum Höyük in Kilis.

If you want to see the artifacts unearthed by archaeologists in museums, visit the Great Gaziantep Mosaic Museum, Şanlıurfa Museum, Yesemek Open Air Museum in Gaziantep. See the oldest sculpture in the world at the Şanlıurfa Museum, visit the ancient city of Şuayib Ancient City, where the Prophet Şuayip is said to have lived and met with the Prophet Moses, and visit the Haleplibahçe Mosaic Museum.

See the extraordinary finds from the Ilısu Dam rescue excavations in the museums of Diyarbakır, Batman and Mardin.

Discover the mystery of the world's best-preserved Temple of Mithras, unearthed during excavations at Zerzevan Castle in Diyarbakır.