

Beit-Zabde Culture and Faith Route

The first of the routes is called the Beit-Zabde Faith and Culture Route. This route, which covers the West of the Tigris, a part of the Botan region and a part of the Turabdin-Tor region, which used to be called Beyt-Zabde, covers our two counties on the silk road, Idil and Cizre. Within the scope of this route, our first destination is Kiwax/Cave village, an old Yazidi settlement. It is seen that the old houses in this village are made of caves or have a connection with the caves. No one lives in this village yet. Kiwax village offers a mystical atmosphere that fascinates visitors with its different tomb structures and stone houses. After Kiwax village, you can visit the churches in Sare, Oguntuk and Haberli villages where Syriac people live, and you can take a small tour in the village. After that, the Virgin Mary Church in Idil Center is worth seeing. Then, by going to Cizre, after visiting Noah's Delubrum, Red Madrasa, Grand Mosque, Mem û Zin Delubrum, Abdaliye Madrasa, Cizre castle, Birca Belek, Mirs’ Garden (Raze Mira), Old Bazaar, you can sip your tea and enjoy the Tigris River. Also, do not forget to listen to Dengbejs at Cizre Dengbej House in Mehmet Aga Summer Palace.

Suitable time: 12 months this route can be used.
Road Length: Total 100 km
Vehicle type: Minibus or bus can be used.
Support Services: There is a telephone network along the route. There are health institutions in counties and towns.
